
The Transregio-CRC is hosting many activities based on its thematic focus. In the following there are previous and future events listed.

Workshop on Applications of Semi–Infinite Optimization 2021

Adaptive Bundle Methods for Nonlinear Robust Optimization, 20.05. – 22.05.2021, Michael Stingl

The turnpike property for optimal control problems with dynamic probabilistic constraints, 22.05.2021, Martin Gugat

Dealing with Probust Constraints in Stochastic Optimization, 21.05.2021, René Henrion

An algorithmic approach for solving optimization problems with probabilistic/robust (probust) constraints, 21.05.2021, Holger Heitsch


Almost Sure State Constraints with an Outlook to Stochastic Nash Equilibrium Problems, 01.-05.03.2021, Caroline Geiersbach


Structured Realization of Dynamical Systems: A Mathematical and Computational Challenge, 01.03.2021, Volker Mehrmann


Hierarchical Energy Based Modeling, Simulation and Control of Multi-Physics Systems – A Paradigm Change, 01.03.2021, Volker Mehrmann