JPOC Spring School on MINLP and Bilevel Problems 28. Juni 202115. November 2021 A Gentle and Incomplete Introduction to Bilevel Optimization, Paris, 22.06.2021, Martin Schmidt Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, Paris, 22.06.2021, Martin Schmidt
OPTE: Howard Rosenbrock Prize 2020 21. Juni 2021 Bookings in the European gas market:Characterization of feasibility and computational complexity results. Optimization and Engineering Martine Labbé, Fränk Plein, and Martin Schmidt
Prize of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) for a Bachelor Thesis 14. Juni 202125. Oktober 2021 Prize awarded to Daniela Bernhard (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) for her Bachelor Thesis on “An Approximate Cutting Plane Approach for robust Optimization with an Application to the Gas Transport Problem” (in German) Supervisor: Frauke Liers, co-supervised by Martina Kuchlbauer
Analysis Seminar of the Department “R. Caccioppoli” at Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy) 10. Juni 202130. Juni 2021 Networks, Waves and Control, 09.06.2021, Enrique Zuazua
MINOA Doctoral School 2021 – Online 4. Juni 20215. Juni 2021 22 – 29 June 2021, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt & Universität Heidelberg For registration and further information: jointly organized by MINOA, TRR154, and IWR heidelberg
Workshop on Applications of Semi–Infinite Optimization 2021 22. Mai 202112. November 2021 Adaptive Bundle Methods for Nonlinear Robust Optimization, 20.05. – 22.05.2021, Michael Stingl The turnpike property for optimal control problems with dynamic probabilistic constraints, 22.05.2021, Martin Gugat Dealing with Probust Constraints in Stochastic Optimization, 21.05.2021, René Henrion An algorithmic approach for solving optimization problems with probabilistic/robust (probust) constraints, 21.05.2021, Holger Heitsch
Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Dissipation – Dynamics, Data and Control 14. Mai 202121. Juni 2021 The influence of the Hamiltonian in structure-preserving model reduction, 14.05.2021, Tobias Breiten
„Applied Mathematics Seminars“ organized by the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies „Enrico Magenes“ (IMATI-CNR) and the Department of Mathematics „Felice Casorati“ of University of Pavia. 11. Mai 202130. Juni 2021 Control of advection-diffusion equations on networks and singular limits, 11.05.2021, Nicola de Nitti
Research Colloquium at TU Darmstadt 26. April 202115. November 2021 Stochastic Collocation Method for Hyperbolic PDEs with Random Data, 19.04.2021, Elisa Strauch
Oberwolfach Workshop on Hyperbolic Balance Laws: modeling, analysis, and numerics 13. März 202120. Oktober 2021 A posteriori error analysis of finite volume approximations to scalar conservation laws using only one entropy, 28.02.-06.03.2021, Jan Giesselmann