Optimal control of PDEs 27. September 201612. Oktober 2020 Optimal control of PDEs (Darmstadt), 26.09.2016 – 28.09.2016, Winnifried Wollner
Variational Methods for Radiative Transfer 26. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Variational Methods for Radiative Transfer, Chemnitz FEM Symposium, TU Chemnitz, Herbert Egger
Adaptive Finite Elements in Numerical Optimization 20. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Autumn School Algorithmic Optimization, Trier
Workshop on Model Reduction Methods and Optimization 20. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Control and model reduction for reactive flows, Workshop on Model Reduction Methods and Optimization, Opatija, Croatia, 20.09.2016 – 21.09.2016, Volker Mehrmann
Workshop at Electricité de France R&D 9. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Formules du gradient pour des fonctions probabilistes Gaussiennes, Workshop at Electricité de France R&D, Paris, France, Rene Henrion
Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2016 6. September 201610. Oktober 2020 The good, the bad, and the ugly: Predicting Gas Demands in Germany (invited), Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2016 at Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, Thorsten Koch
International Conference on Control of Complex Systems and Networks 4. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Solvability and regularization of hybrid differential-algebraic equations, International Conference on Control of Complex Systems and Networks, Heringsdorf, Germany, 04.09.2016 – 08.09.2016, Volker Mehrmann
Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Tobias Wollenberg 1. September 201610. Oktober 2020 Two-stage Stochastic Semidefinite Programming and Application to AC Power Flow under Uncertainty, OR 2016 – Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society. Hamburg, Tobias Wollenberg
Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Martin Schmidt 31. August 201610. Oktober 2020 Penalty Alternating Direction Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimization: A New View on Feasibility Pumps, OR 2016 – Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society. Hamburg, Martin Schmidt
Semiplenary at Operations Research OR 2016 30. August 201610. Oktober 2020 Stochastic Programs in Gas and Power Networks, Semiplenary at Operations Research OR 2016, Hamburg, Deutschland, 30.08.2016 – 02.09.2016, Rüdiger Schultz