Oberwolfach Workshop on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: modeling, analysis, and numerics 28. Mai 201915. November 2021 Relative Entropy for isothermal Euler Equations on Networks, Oberwolfach, 19.-25.05.2019, Jan Giesselmann
ADMOS 27. Mai 201921. Juni 2021 An Adaptive Multilevel Stochastic Collocation Method for Elliptic PDEs with Uncertain Data, Alicante, Spain, 27.05.2019, Jens Lang
Mathematisches Kolloquium at TU Ilmenau 20. Mai 201915. November 2021 Penalty alternating direction methods: Theory, practice, and their relation to feasibility pumps, 15.05.2019, Martin Schmidt
CAA Seminar at FAU 13. Mai 201915. November 2021 Stochastic Collocation Method for Partial Differential Equations with Random Input Data, 09.05.2019, Elisa Strauch
Seminar at Imperial College London 6. Mai 201915. November 2021 Robust Discrete Optimization: Globalized Gamma Robustness and Radius of Robust Feasibility, London, 02.05.2019, Frauke Liers
International Conference on Stochastic Optimization and Related Topics 26. April 20196. Juli 2021 Chance constraints then and now, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, 26.04.2019, René Henrion
4 invited lectures at ‚Spring School in Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization‘ 16. April 20196. Juli 2021 Problèmes d’optimisation sous contraintes en probabilité, Marokko, 16.04.2019, René Henrion
SIAM News: Gender Mainstreaming 4. April 201910. Oktober 2020 Making Progress towards Gender Parity and Increased Diversity, Artikel in SIAM News
Joint Conference on Computational Management Science and 20th Czech-German-Slovak conference on Mathematical Methods in Industry and Economics 4. April 201915. November 2021 Optimization in Meshed Gas Networks, Chemnitz, 27.-29.03.2019, Rüdiger Schultz Strong convexity of Risk Functions in Linear Recourse Model, Chemnitz, 27.03.2019, Kai Spürkel Structure of risk-averse stochastic linear bilevel programs, Chemnitz, 27.03.2019, Matthias Claus
Doctoral Seminar Wiesenthau, 18.03. – 20.03.2019 21. März 201912. Juli 2021 In March 2019 the doctoral students of the TRR-154 and associateddoctoral students met for our first doctoral seminar. We met in historic Wiesenthau castle, which lies in the beautiful region Fränkische Schweiz, to take part in two intriguing seminars and to work together on our projects. The first seminar we took part in was „Intelligent conversation in English“, by Valierie Hellmann a lecturer and translator formerly at the IFA Erlangen, where we were, inter alia, taught about special modes of behavior in England and the USA. The second seminar was on „Good scientific practice“, by Christian Schmitt-Engel from the graduate center Erlangen, who gave a lecture on scientific integrity. We also had an interesting excursion to Erlangen where we visited the gas and coal power plants run by the ESTW, the local energy supplier. Apart from these activities we had enough time so socialize and to discuss the topics of our projects.