RICAM Special Semester on Optimization, Workshop on Optimization and Inversion under Uncertainty 13. November 201915. November 2021 Probabilistic Constraints in Optimization with PDEs, Linz, 13.11.2019, René Henrion Integers in Stochastic Optimization, Linz, 18.11.2019, Rüdiger Schultz
INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting 28. Oktober 201915. November 2021 Probability Computation for Implicit Sets in MeshedGas Networks, Seattle, 20.-23.10.2019, Rüdiger Schultz (Holger Heitsch, Rene Henrion, Matthias Claus, Ralf Gollmer, Kai Spürkel, and Klaus Altmann) Risk-averse Bilevel Stochastic Linear Programs, Seattle, 23.10.2019, Matthias Claus
Symposium of the SFB910 on the topic „Energy based modeling, simulation and control“ 25. Oktober 201921. Juni 2021 Energy-based modeling, simulation and control using port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems, Berlin, Germany, 25.10.2019, Riccardo Morandin
EME Seminar 25. Oktober 201925. Oktober 2021 MIP techniques for equilibrium models with integer constraints, Edinburgh, 24.10.2019, Lukas Hümbs
NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH 7. Oktober 201915. November 2021 Mixed-Integer Optimization: State of the Art and Applications, Heidelberg, 02.10.2019, Martin Schmidt
DMV Annual Meeting 30. September 201915. November 2021 Energy based network modeling, numerical simulation, and control of multi-physics systems, Karlsruhe, 24.09.2019, Volker Mehrmann
BIRS-CMO Workshop Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization for Clean Energy Transition 30. September 201915. November 2021 Towards a Decomposition Method for Liner Multi-Stage Stochastic Integer Programs with Discrete Distributions, Mexico, 22-27.09.2019, Rüdiger Schultz
SMF Week – Inhomogeneous Flows: Asymptotic Models and Interfaces Evolution 30. September 201915. November 2021 Relative entropy for the Euler-Korteweg system with non-monotone pressure, Luminy, 23.-27.09.2019, Jan Giesselmann
Workshop „Statistics, Risk & Optimization“ 27. September 20195. Juli 2021 On derivatives of probability functions, Vienna, 27.09.2019, René Henrion
19th French-German-Swiss Conference on Optimization 20. September 201915. November 2021 Generalized Nash Games with PDEs and Applications in Energy Markets, Nice (France), 20.09.2019, Michael Hintermüller Direct Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations, Nice, 17.09.2019, Falk Hante