Announcement of the „TRR154 Summer School on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Energy Networks“

The Summer School will be an Online-Event taking place 8.-10. June 2022. Further information can be found under the following Link:

Seminar at HU Berlin

Relative energy estimates, asymptotic stability and structure preserving discretization for isentropic flow in gas networks, 29.10.2021, Nora Philippi

DMV/ÖMG Jahrestagung 2021

A uniformly convergent mixed finite element method for isothermal gas transport in pipe networks, Passau/online, 27.09.-01.10.2021, Teresa Kunkel

Talk for the TRR 154

Hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers: New value chains and the future of global energy trade, 13.10.2021, Veronika Grimm

Cantor-Medaille 2021 for Martin Grötschel

Former TRR154 member and initial member/PI Martin Grötschel!For more, see link.

Workshop on Optimization under Uncertainty, Centre de recherches mathématiques – CRM

Mixed- integer variables and PDE constraints – no longer poor cousins in stochastic optimization, Montreal, 27.09.-01.10.2021, Rüdiger Schultz

DMV-OEMG Annual meeting 2021

Singular perturbation of transport problems on pipe networks, 27.09-01.10.2021, Nora Philippi