International Conference on Bilevel Optimization and Related Topics

Bilevel Optimization from the Stochastic-Programming Point-of-View: Optimism and Pessimism, International Conference on Bilevel Optimization and Related Topics, Dresden, Deutschland, 04.05.2016 – 06.05.2016, Rüdiger Schultz

Source Transfer and optimized Schwarz Methods

Sweeping Preconditioning, Source Transfer and optimized Schwarz Methods, Darmstadt, Dr. Martin Gander (Genève)

11th ÖGOR – IHS Workshop on „Mathematical Economics and Optimization in the Energy Sector“

Investition in Netz und Erzeugung in liberalisierten Strommärkten, 11th ÖGOR – IHS Workshop on „Mathematical Economics and Optimization in the Energy Sector“. Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS). Wien, Martin Schmidt

Bounded Gastransport Simulation with Quality control

Bounded Gastransport Simulation with Quality control, Erlangen, Dr. Tom van der Hoeven

Seminar AG Numerik

Damped Waves on Networks, Universität Darmstadt, Seminar AG Numerik, Thomas Kugler

Simulation, and Control of Complex Physical Systems

Model order reduction for a port-Hamiltonian-like system describing semi-discretized gas pipe, Energy Based Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Complex Physical Systems, Berlin, Germany, 07.04.2016 – 08.04.2016, Björn Liljegren-Sailer

SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification

Gas Transportation under Stochastic Uncertainty: Nomination Validation and Beyond, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Schweiz, 02.04.2016 – 07.04.2016, Rüdiger Schultz

Nürnberg-München Energy Workshop, Organisation des Workshops

Nürnberg-München Energy Workshop, Teilnehmende Institutionen: FAU/EnCN/TU München/ifo Institut, am EnCN Nürnberg