Stochastic Semidefinite Programming and AC Unit Commitment under Uncertainty, Computational Management Science Conference, Salamanca, Spain, Tobias Wollenberg
Industrial Mathematics: Modeling, simulation and control of real world processes, BJMT Applied Mathematical Conference 2016, Györ, Hungary, 01.06.2016 – 03.06.2016, Volker Mehrmann
Optimization between Regulation and Physics (invited), 2nd International Conference of Skoltech Center for Energy Systems, Moscow, Russia, Thorsten Koch
Feasibility Pumps as Penalty Alternating Direction Methods for MINLPs: Theory and Computations, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Seminar „Algorithmic Optimization“ at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Martin Schmidt
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization of Stationary Gas Transport Problems, Technische Universität Berlin, Kolloquium ModNumDiff, Martin Schmidt
Progress and Challenges in Network Optimization, Conference „The Digital Future“, Berlin, Alexander Martin
Gemischt-ganzzahlige nichtlineare Optimierung für den Gas- und Stromtransport, Universität Konstanz, Seminar AG Numerik (Fachbereich Mathematik & Statistik), Martin Schmidt
Nonlinear probabilistic constraints in gas transportation problems, Workshop on Nonsmooth and Stochastik Optimization Problems, Berlin, Germany, 10.05.2016 – 12.05.2016, Holger Heitsch