Mathematical modeling, simulation, and optimization for gas transport networks, Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference, Nürnberg, Germany, 17.07.2016 – 18.07.2016, Falk Hante
The power-p Steiner tree problem: leveraging geometric properties to aid a math programming approach, and Gender: Little Missed Opportunities, Berlin, Darmstadt, Erlangen, July and September 2016, Dr. Christina Burt (Melbourne)
Optimal Price Zones for the German Electricity Market, iSEneC 2016 – Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference. Nürnberg, Martin Schmidt
Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Torsten Höfler (Zürich)
Distribution network modeling in electricity market environment, iSEneC 2016 – Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference. Nürnberg, Julia Grübel
Oscillation in a posteriori error estimation, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Andreas Veeser (Milano)
Damped wave systems on networks: Exponential stability and uniform approximations, AANMPDE 2016, Strobl, Herbert Egger
Adaptive modelling, simulation and optimization of gas and water supply networks (invited), IGDK1754 Munich-Graz Kolloquium, Munich, Germany, Pia Domschke