Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations

Multi-objective control problems under state constraints, Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Hasnaa Zidani (Gast @ WIAS)

Article: Towards Pressure-Robust Mixed Methods for the IncompressibleNavier-Stokes Equations

Towards Pressure-Robust Mixed Methods for the IncompressibleNavier-Stokes Equations, Darmstadt, Dr. Alexander Linke (WIAS)

Colloquium for Applied Mathematics

Colloquium for Applied Mathematics, Vivek Aggarwal (Gast @ FAU)

IFORS Conference, Martin Schmidt

MIP-based instantaneous control of mixed-integer PDE-constrained gas transport problems, IFORS 2017, Martin Schmidt

IFORS Conference, Denis Aßmann

Deciding Robust Feasibility and Infeasibility Using a Set Containment Approach: An Application to Stationary Passive Gas Network Operations, IFORS Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 17.07.2017 – 21.07.2017, Denis Aßmann

IFORS Conference, Julia Grübel

Welfare optimal nominations in passive gas networks and associated equilibria, IFORS Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 17.07.2017 – 21.07.2017, Julia Grübel

IFORS Conference, Holger Heitsch

On probabilistic capacity maximization in stationary gas networks, IFORS Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 17.07.2017 – 21.07.2017, Holger Heitsch

Parameterized (1+eps)-approximation algorithms for packing problems

Parameterized (1+eps)-approximation algorithms for packing problems, TU Berlin, Dr. Andreas Wiese (Universidad de Chile)