Bimos Day

Network flows and applications to evacuations and gas transport, Bimos Day, Berlin, Germany, Martin Groß

Adjoint Methods for Efficient Optimization and Control in CFD and CAA

Adjoint Methods for Efficient Optimization and Control in CFD and CAA, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gauger (Kaiserslautern)

Oberwolfach Workshop Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, Frauke Liers

Structural Investigation of Piecewise Linearized Flow Problems, Oberwolfach Workshop Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics, Oberwolfach, Deutschland, Frauke Liers

Oberwolfach Workshop Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, Alexander Martin

Towards a hierarchy of consistent models for network problems with physical transport, Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Optimization, Oberwolfach, Alexander Martin

Summer School CO@Work 2015

Summer School CO@Work 2015, 28.09.2015 – 10.10.2015

Summer School CO@Work 2015

28.09.2015 – 10.10.2015

International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, Christoph Huck

Perturbation Analysis for hyperbolic PDAEs, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, Potsdam, 14.09.2015 – 18.09.2015, Christoph Huck

NUMDIFF, Caren Tischendorf

Perturbation Analysis of hyperbolic PDAEs, NUMDIFF, Halle, Germany, Caren Tischendorf