Summer School on Optimization, Uncertainty, and AI

We just wrapped up the TRR 154 Summer School on Optimization, Uncertainty, and AI in Hamburg, held from August 7th to 9th, 2024. sessions included insightful lectures from leading experts in the field, complemented by engaging discussions Read more

Why pursue a doctoral degree?

We asked our doctoral researchers…


Women in Optimization 2024

Der SFB Transregio 154 unterstützt die Women in Optimization 2024 in Erlangen. Weitere Informationen unter

MINOA Doctoral School 2021 – Online

22 – 29 June 2021,

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt & Universität Heidelberg

For registration and further information:

jointly organized by MINOA, TRR154, and IWR heidelberg

Doctoral Seminar Wiesenthau, 18.03. – 20.03.2019

In March 2019 the doctoral students of the TRR-154 and associateddoctoral students met for our first doctoral seminar. We met in historic Wiesenthau castle, which lies in the beautiful region Fränkische Schweiz, to take part in two intriguing seminars Read more


PhD-Student-Colloquium (Schloß Blankensee), 14.05.2018 – 18.05.2018

Stochastic Optimization

Stochastic Optimization (Darmstadt), 09.10.2017 – 10.10.2017, Matthias Claus


PhD-Student-Colloquium (Schloß Blankensee), 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017