Novel perspectives in Multiscale Modelling and Analysis: The novel concept of three-scale convergence

Novel perspectives in Multiscale Modelling and Analysis: The novel concept of three-scale convergence, Darmstadt, Dr. Dimitru Trucu (Dundee)

On the full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme

On the full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme, Darmstadt, Jun-Prof. Dr. Oliver Kolb (Mannheim)


Herzogenaurach, 26.11.2014 – 27.11.2014

INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting

Stochastic Programming with PDE Constraints in Shape Optimization with Random Load, INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A., 09.11.2014 – 13.11.2014, Rüdiger Schultz

Workshop on Stochastic Programming, Rüdiger Schultz

Attempts at Bilevel Linear Stochastic Programming, Workshop on Stochastic Programming, University of California, Davis, U.S.A., 07.11.2014 – 09.11.2014, Rüdiger Schultz

Workshop on Stochastic Programming, Tobias Wollenberg

Two-stage Stochastic Semidefinite Programming for Unit Commitment under Uncertainty with AC Power Flow Constraints, Optimization under Uncertainty: Energy, Transportation and Natural Resources, Workshop on Stochastic Programming, University of California, Davis, U.S.A., 07.11.2014 – 09.11.2014, Tobias Wollenberg

Colloquium for Applied Mathematics

Colloquium for Applied Mathematics, Enrique Zuazua (Gast @ FAU)

Forum „Math-for-Industry“ 2014

Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs for Gas Network Optimization (invited plenary), Forum „Math-for-Industry“ 2014, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Thorsten Koch