SMF Week – Inhomogeneous Flows: Asymptotic Models and Interfaces Evolution

Relative entropy for the Euler-Korteweg system with non-monotone pressure, Luminy, 23.-27.09.2019, Jan Giesselmann

Workshop „Statistics, Risk & Optimization“

On derivatives of probability functions, Vienna, 27.09.2019, René Henrion

19th French-German-Swiss Conference on Optimization

Generalized Nash Games with PDEs and Applications in Energy Markets, Nice (France), 20.09.2019, Michael Hintermüller

Direct Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations, Nice, 17.09.2019, Falk Hante

14th Hirschegg Workshop on Conservation Laws

A Posteriori Error Estimates of Numerical Methods for Random Conservation Laws, 09.-13.09.2019, Jan Giesselmann

International Conference on Operations Research 2019

Nonlinear Optimization of District Heating Networks, Dresden, 06.09.2019, Richard Krug

Risk-Averse Bilevel Stochastic Linear Programs, Dresden, 04.09.2019, Matthias Claus

XXXVIII Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operations Research

Optimization problems with probust constraints: Theory, applications and algorithmic solution, Alcoi, 05.09.2019, René Henrion

VIII Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics at Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Sessions on „Recent Trends in nonlocal and local hyperbolic balance laws“ and on „Control and stabilization of hyperbolic Systems„, 18.-30.08.2019, coordinated by Martin Gugat and Günter Leugering

The Turnpike Phenomenon for Problems of Optimal Boundary Read more

Workshop Optimization under Uncertainty

Building Stochastic Programming Theory and Algorithms – Powered by Algebra, Sankt Wendel, 29.-31.08.2019, Rüdiger Schultz