Announcement of the conference „Trends in Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation: Theory and Applications“

We are pleased to announce the online conference   „Trends in Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation: Theory and Applications“   on March, the 2nd and 3rd, 2021,   organized by the CRC TRR154-2 („Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using Read more

Oberseminar Numerical Optimization at Universität Konstanz

(Mixed-Integer) Nonlinear Optimization for District Heating Networks, Konstanz, 15.12.2020, Martin Schmidt

Alop-Colloquium at Universität Trier

Sequential Action Control for Stabilization of PDEs, 14.12.2020, Falk Hante

Workshop on Robots Learning, Optimization and Control at FAU

On the transport limit of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems on networks, 23.11.2020, Nora Philippi

Probabilistic Constraints in Optimization Problems on Flow Networks, 23.11.2020, Elisa Strauch

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020

Robust Approximation of Chance Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty, 09.11.2020, Kevin-Martin Aigner

Annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society 2020

Minisymposium: Algorithms for stochastic optimization models beyond convexity, 14.-17.09.2020, organized by Caroline Geiersbach and Rüdiger Schultz

An adaptive bundle method for nonlinear robust optimization, 14.09. – 17.09.2020, Martina Kuchlbauer

On the existence of solutions to market equilibrium problems with Read more

ALOP-Colloquium at Trier University

On electricity market equilibria with storage: Modeling, uniqueness, and a distributed ADMM, 13.07.2020, Julia Grübel