Workshop on Variational Analysis and Applications

On some relations between probability functions and variational analysis, Workshop on Variational Analysis and Applications, Erice, Italy, Rene Henrion


Doktoranden-Kolloquium (Schloß Blankensee), 24.08.2015 – 27.08.2015

8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Beijing China, Thorsten Koch

Algebraic and geometric Ideas in the Theory of discrete Optimization

Algebraic and geometric Ideas in the Theory of discrete Optimization (event was recorded) (Erlangen), 27.07.2015 – 31.07.2015, Raymond Hemmecke

Modeling and Simulation of gas flow in pipes

Modeling and Simulation of gas flow in pipes (Erlangen), 20.07.2015 – 24.07.2015, Herbert Egger

TRR154 Workshop, FAU Erlangen

Modeling and Simulation of Gas Flow in Pipes, TRR154 Workshop, FAU Erlangen, 20.07.2015 – 24.07.2015, Herbert Egger

ISMP 2015 – 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Thorsten Koch

Legal Physics: Modelling Contracts on Gas Networks – The KWP Tool, ISMP 2015 – 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Pittsburgh, Thorsten Koch

ISMP 2015, Martin Schmidt

Solving Power-Constrained Gas Transport Problems using an MIP-based Alternating Direction Method, ISMP 2015 – 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Pittsburgh, Martin Schmidt