Joint Workshop on Optimization and Data-intensive High Performance Computing

Predicting Gas Demands in Germany: Mathematical Programming based deep learning? (invited), ISM-ZIB-IMI Joint Workshop on Optimization and Data-intensive High Performance Computing, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), Tokyo, Japan, Thorsten Koch

Workshop Energiemärkte am Energie Campus Nürnberg

Optimal Price Zones of Electricity Markets: A Mixed-Integer Multilevel Model and Global Solution Approaches, Workshop Energiemärkte am Energie Campus Nürnberg, Martin Schmidt

Organisation des Workshops

„Energiemarktmodellierung“, Teilnehmende Institutionen: FAU/EnCN/TU München/ifo Institut/DIW/TU Berlin, am EnCN Nürnberg, 16.02.2017 – 17.02.2017

Workshop „Energiemarktmodellierung“

Evaluating capacities and welfare optimal nominations in gas networks, Workshop „Energiemarktmodellierung“, am EnCN Nürnberg, 16.02.2017 – 17.02.2017, Julia Grübel, Lars Schewe

Forschungsseminar: Mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation

Consistent Initialization of DAEs Revised, Forschungsseminar: Mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Diana Estéves Schwarz, René Lamour (Gast)

Flows Over Time and Submodular Function Minimization

Flows Over Time and Submodular Function Minimization, Invited lecture at the CALDAM Indo-German Pre-Conference School on Algorithms and Combinatorics, Goa, India, Martin Skutella

Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations

Kinetic theory to study emergent phenomena in biology: an example on swarming, Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Sara Merino-Aceituno (Gast @ WIAS)

DICE Research Seminar

Transmission and Generation Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets, DICE Research Seminar, HHU Düsseldorf, Veronika Grimm