Co-Organizers of the workshop: Michael Hintermüller, René Henrion (28.01.2020-30.01.2020, WIAS Berlin)
Mixed-integer optimization with PDEs, 16.01.2020, Falk Hante
Relative Entropy for Gas Flows on Networks, 09.01.2020, Jan Giesselmann
Structure-preserving discretization for port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems, Nice, France, 13.12.2019, Riccardo Morandin
Robust Optimal Hydrogen Tree-shaped Network Design, Edinburg, 12.12.2019, Johannes Thürauf
Radius of Robust Feasibility For Mixed Integer Problems, Edinburgh, 11.12.2019, Johannes Thürauf
Optimal Probabilistic Control of the Vibrating String under Random Initial Conditions, Paris, 04.12.2019, René Henrion
Nonsmoothness in the Context of Probability Functions, Linz, 25.11.2019, René Henrion