Verliehen an Daniela Bernhard, für ihre Bachelorarbeit
“Ein approximativer Schnittebenenansatz für robuste Optimierung mit Anwendung auf das Gastransportproblem“
Betreuerin: Frauke Liers, Ko-Betreuerin: Martina Kuchlbauer
Networks, Waves and Control, 09.06.2021, Enrique Zuazua
22 – 29 June 2021,
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt & Universität Heidelberg
For registration and further information:
jointly organized by MINOA, TRR154, and IWR heidelberg
Adaptive Bundle Methods for Nonlinear Robust Optimization, 20.05. – 22.05.2021, Michael Stingl
The turnpike property for optimal control problems with dynamic probabilistic constraints, 22.05.2021, Martin Gugat
Dealing with Probust Constraints in Stochastic Optimization, 21.05.2021, René Henrion
An algorithmic approach Read more
The influence of the Hamiltonian in structure-preserving model reduction, 14.05.2021, Tobias Breiten
Control of advection-diffusion equations on networks and singular limits, 11.05.2021, Nicola de Nitti
Stochastic Collocation Method for Hyperbolic PDEs with Random Data, 19.04.2021, Elisa Strauch
A posteriori error analysis of finite volume approximations to scalar conservation laws using only one entropy, 28.02.-06.03.2021, Jan Giesselmann