Christine Bernardi Lecture

The TRR 154 and the department of mathematics of TU Darmstadt organize jointly a series of annual lectures in honor of Christine Bernadi, an inspiring female applied mathematician.

23 October 2024, 5:15 pm: „Mathematics of Read more

Empowering Women in Optimization: Highly Successful Conference at FAU

The conference „Women in Optimization 2024“ at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) was held from April 10 – 12th, 2024, as the fifth meeting in this series. More than 60 female researchers from both industry and academia, doctoral candidates, and Read more

Christine Bernadi Lectures

The TRR 154 and the department of mathematics of TU Darmstadt organize jointly a series of annual lectures in honor of Christine Bernadi, an inspiring female applied mathematician.


Women in Optimization 2024

Der SFB Transregio 154 unterstützt die Women in Optimization 2024 in Erlangen. Weitere Informationen unter

Announcement: Talk on „Gender equality in an academic department: how to do it“ by Professor Paul Walton

on Wednesday, May 18, at 5:15 p.m., Prof. Dr. Paul Walton, U of York, will give a talk in the Mathematical Colloquium at TUDa on

Gender equality in an academic department: how to do it

Spring School für Masterstudentinnen und Doktorandinnen der Mathematik

Wir freuen uns, die Spring School

„Discrete-continuous optimization using the example of supply networks“

vom 26. bis 30. April 2021

für Masterstudentinnen und Doktorandinnen der Mathematik anzukündigen.Weitere Informationen sind unter zu finden.

Gender: Little Missed Opportunities

Gender: Little Missed Opportunities (Berlin, Darmstadt, Erlangen), July and September 2016, Dr. Christina Burt