Analysis and Numerics of Design, Control and Inverse Problems

Kinetic Models and (Social) Network, 01.-07.07.2021, Martin Burger


Data-Driven Optimization under Uncertainty, Trier, 03.07.2021, Frauke Liers

MINLP Virtual Workshop 2021

Nonlinear robust optimization: An adaptive bundle method and outer approximation, 28.06.– 29.06.2021, Martina Kuchlbauer

JPOC Spring School on MINLP and Bilevel Problems

A Gentle and Incomplete Introduction to Bilevel Optimization, Paris, 22.06.2021, Martin Schmidt

Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, Paris, 22.06.2021, Martin Schmidt

Workshop on Applications of Semi–Infinite Optimization 2021

Adaptive Bundle Methods for Nonlinear Robust Optimization, 20.05. – 22.05.2021, Michael Stingl

The turnpike property for optimal control problems with dynamic probabilistic constraints, 22.05.2021, Martin Gugat

Dealing with Probust Constraints in Stochastic Optimization, 21.05.2021, René Henrion

An algorithmic approach Read more

Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Dissipation – Dynamics, Data and Control

The influence of the Hamiltonian in structure-preserving model reduction, 14.05.2021, Tobias Breiten