ISMP 2015, Holger Heitsch

Optimization of booked capacity in gas transport networks using nonlinear probabilistic constraints, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Pittsburgh, USA, 12.07.2015 – 18.07.2015, Holger Heitsch

GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2015, Caren Tischendorf

Structural characterization of eigenvalue problems for network DAEs, GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2015, Magdeburg, Caren Tischendorf

SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Martin Gugat

Optimal Control for the Wave Equation: Infinite Versus Finite Horizon, SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Paris, Frankreich. 08.07.2015 – 10.07.2015, Martin Gugat

Forschungsseminar Optimierung

Generalized Nash equilibrium problems with semilinear PDE constraints – a numerical approach, Forschungsseminar Optimierung, Magdalena Noeth (Gast @ HU Berlin)

International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Organisation der Sessions

Stationarity Conditions, Algorithms and Applications for PDE Constrained Optimization with Time Dependent Processes, Mixed-integer Optimal Control for PDEs, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Juli 2015

Problem-suited numerical methods for some complex flows

Problem-suited numerical methods for some complex flows, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Mária Lukácová (Mainz)

Forschungsseminar Optimierung

A Quasi-variational inequality approach to sandpiles and water-flow, Forschungsseminar Optimierung, Rafael Arndt (Gast @ HU Berlin)

Plenary talk at the 17th British-French-German Conference on Optimization

The notion of time in network routing problems and a novel view on algorithms‘ complexity, Plenary talk at the 17th British-French-German Conference on Optimization, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, Martin Skutella