Keynote talk at GAMM 92nd Annual Meeting 2022 in Aachen by Caroline Geiersbach

  • Title: Optimization with almost sure state constraints
  • Date: 16.08.2022 (Conference dates: August 15-19, 2022)

Talk at ICCOPT (International Conference on Continuous Optimization) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA by Caroline Geiersbach

  • Title: Optimality conditions & regularization for stochastic optimization with almost sure state constraints
  • Date: July 26, 2022 (Conference dates: July 25-28, 2022)

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems

Martin Gugat and Martin Lazar are leading an invited session at MTNS 2022 (12-16 September 2022, Bayreuth, Germany) with title „Recent developments and perspective in the study of the turnpike phenomenon for optimal control problems“

Talk for pupils visiting FAU within the pupil internship week

From differential calculus to differential equations, 14.07.22, Michael Schuster

Semi-plenary lecture at ECCOMAS Conference 2022

Adjoint-based optimization for industrial applications, 09 June 2022, Andrea Walther

Ankündigung der „TRR154 Summer School on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Energy Networks“

Die Sommerschule findet als Online-Event vom 8.-10. Juni 2022 statt. Mehr Informationen (auf Englisch) finden sich unter: