International Workshop on Optimization Challenges in the Evolution of Energy Networks to Smart Grids

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Predicting Gas Demands in Germany, International Workshop on Optimization Challenges in the Evolution of Energy Networks to Smart Grids, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Thorsten Koch

Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing 2016

Linear port-Hamiltonian systems, Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing 2016, Hangzhou, China, 24.10.2016 – 26.10.2016, Volker Mehrmann

MS Friday Colloquium

Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Physical Constraints, MS Friday Colloquium, Berlin, Alexander Martin

Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Carina Geldhauser (Gast @ WIAS)

Scaling limits of interacting diffusions, Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Carina Geldhauser (Gast @ WIAS)

Mathematical Modeling in Environmental and Life sciences

Sensitivity Analysis and Model adaptivity for flows in gas networks, Mathematical Modeling in Environmental and Life sciences, Constanta, Romania, 12.10.2016 – 15.10.2016, Volker Mehrmann

Organisation der Konferenz

„Mathematics of Gas Transport“, ZIB, Berlin, 07.10.2016 – 08.10.2016