
Handelsblatttagung: Expertengespräch: Investitionen im Strommarkt: Was kostet die Energiewende? mit Veronika Grimm und P. Graichen

Finite element error estimates for elliptic Dirichlet-boundary control problems with pointwise state constraints

Finite element error estimates for elliptic Dirichlet-boundary control problems with pointwise state constraints, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Ira Neitzel (Bonn)

Workshop on Optimization and Data-intensive High Performance Computing

Challenging Problems in Mathematics and Industry, Workshop on Optimization and Data-intensive High Performance Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Alexander Martin

Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations

Well-Posedness of Bayesian Inverse Problems – Stable Priors on Quasi-Banach Spaces, Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Tim Sullivan (Gast @ WIAS)

Mathematical Programming based deep learning: Predicting Gas Demands in Germany

Mathematical Programming based deep learning: Predicting Gas Demands in Germany; anounced: Robust predictions of hourly gas demands in Germany (invited), TES 2016, ChiangMai, Thailand, Thorsten Koch

3rd Workshop on Model Order Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems

On Structure Preserving Model Order Reduction for Damped Wave Propagation on Networks, 3rd Workshop on Model Order Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 11.01.2017 – 13.01.2017, Björn Liljegren-Sailer

21st Combinatorial Optimization Workshop

Optimal Price Zones of Electricity Markets: A Mixed-Integer Multilevel Model and Global Solution Approaches, 21st Combinatorial Optimization Workshop. Aussois, Martin Schmidt

Volkswirtschaftliches Seminar

Network Investment and Location of Renewable Electricity Production: Proper Design of the German Electricity Market, Volkswirtschaftliches Seminar, Universität Bayreuth, Gregor Zöttl