Stochastic Programming Beyond Convexity, Invited Plenary at Workshop „Models and Methods of Robust Optimization“, Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, 09.03.2017 – 10.03.2017, Rüdiger Schultz
Asymptotic stability of autonomous (P)DAEs with network structure, GAMM 88th Annual Meeting, Weimar, Germany, 06.03.2017 – 10.03.2017, Caren Tischendorf
Mixed Integer Programming for Energy Networks, Shell Lecture, CAAM Colloquium, Rice University, Houston TX, US, Alexander Martin
Optimal Switching for Hybrid Semilinear Evolutions, GAMM 88th Annual Meeting, Weimar, Germany, 06.03.2017 – 10.03.2017, Fabian Rueffler
Perturbation analysis for hyperbolic PDAEs describing gas networks, GAMM 88th Annual Meeting, Weimar, Germany, 06.03.2017 – 10.03.2017, Christoph Huck
Über schwere Probleme und schnelle Algorithmen, Plenary talk at the 51. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, Potsdam, Germany, Martin Skutella
Deciding Robust Feasibility and Infeasibility Using a Set Containment Approach: An Application to Stationary Passive Gas Network Operations, International Network Optimization Conference 2017, Lisboa, Portugal, Frauke Liers
Network Flow Problems with Physical Constraints, International Conference on Network Optimization, Lisboa, Portuga, Alexander Martin