Colloquium of the Department Mathematics

Colloquium of the Department Mathematics, Michael Hintermüller (Gast @ FAU)

Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems

Boundary feedback stabilization of the isothermal Euler-equations, OCIP 2017, Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, Munich, April 5-7, 2017, Martin Gugat

International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems

Adaptive Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Water and Gas Flow in Supply Networks, International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Rome, Italy, 05.04.2017 – 07.04.2017, Jens Lang

Transmission and Generation Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets

Transmission and Generation Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets, Doha, Katar, Veronika Grimm

Kolloquium des „Eindhoven Multiscale Institute“

On compressible flow in pipeline networks: Variational principles and numerical approximation, Kolloquium des „Eindhoven Multiscale Institute“, Tu Einhoven, Herbert Egger

Final Conference of COST

Robust Approaches for Challenging Network Optimization Problems (semi-plenary), Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Final Conference of COST, Modena, Italy, Frauke Liers

Präsentation des EnCN-Projekts „Energiemarktdesign“´

Präsentation des EnCN-Projekts „Energiemarktdesign“, Fachbeiratssitzung des EnCN, Veronika Grimm

Workshop ‚Models and Methods of Robust Optimization‘, Rene Henrion

On a joint model for probabilistic/robust constraints with an application to gas networks under uncertainties, Workshop ‚Models and Methods of Robust Optimization‘, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Rene Henrion