Colloquium of the Department Mathematics, Michael Hintermüller (Gast @ FAU)
Boundary feedback stabilization of the isothermal Euler-equations, OCIP 2017, Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, Munich, April 5-7, 2017, Martin Gugat
Adaptive Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Water and Gas Flow in Supply Networks, International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Rome, Italy, 05.04.2017 – 07.04.2017, Jens Lang
Transmission and Generation Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets, Doha, Katar, Veronika Grimm
On compressible flow in pipeline networks: Variational principles and numerical approximation, Kolloquium des „Eindhoven Multiscale Institute“, Tu Einhoven, Herbert Egger
Robust Approaches for Challenging Network Optimization Problems (semi-plenary), Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Final Conference of COST, Modena, Italy, Frauke Liers
Präsentation des EnCN-Projekts „Energiemarktdesign“, Fachbeiratssitzung des EnCN, Veronika Grimm
On a joint model for probabilistic/robust constraints with an application to gas networks under uncertainties, Workshop ‚Models and Methods of Robust Optimization‘, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Rene Henrion