Talk at MFO Oberwolfach by Martin Gugat

Martin Gugat (C03 and C05) has participated in the workshop ‚Control Methods in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations‘ (5 Nov – 10 Nov 2023) at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach and has given a talk about ‚Isothermal flow in gas networks: Synchronization of observer systems‘.


Kolloquium: Robert Weismantel

Robert Weismantel (ETH Zürich)

Titel: „Integer Optimization in High Dimensions“

07 November 2023, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., H13, Cauerstr. 11, 91058 Erlangen

Christine Bernadi Lectures

The TRR 154 and the department of mathematics of TU Darmstadt organize jointly a series of annual lectures in honor of Christine Bernadi, an inspiring female applied mathematician.


Talk at EUCCO 2023 by Michael Schuster

Title: An a posteriori Probabilistic Robustness Check for Deterministic Optimal Controls

European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO 2023)

25 – 27 September 2023, Universität Heidelberg


Talk by Michael Schuster at FAU Infotage 2023 in Erlangen

Title: Technomathematik – Angewandte Mathematik zwischen Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften

20 – 22 September 2023 in Erlangen at FAU


Talk at ICIAM 2023 in Japan by Michael Schuster

Title: Optimal Boundary Control for the Transport Equation under Uncertainty: A Turnpike Result

10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023)

20 – 25 August 2023, Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan)

Probabilistic Constrained Optimization on Gas Networks – Talk by Michael Schuster at ICSP 2023

Title: Probabilistic Constrained Optimization on Gas Networks

XVI International Conference Stochastic Programming (ICSP 2023)

24 – 28 July 2023, University of California, Davis (CA, USA)
