Robust Treatment of Non-Convex Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 22.03.2018, Frauke Liers
Adaptivity in numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs, 01.03.2018, Jens Lang
Adaptive multilevel stochastic collocation method for randomized elliptic PDEs, 06.03.2018, Jens Lang
Robust Treatment of Non-Convex Optimization Problems and an Application to Gas Networks, Schloss Dagstuhl, 19.02.2018, Frauke Liers
Robust Solution Approaches for Challenging Network Optimization and Air-Traffic Management Problems, Plenary Talk at PGMO Days 2017, EDF Lab Paris Saclay, France, Frauke Liers
A mixed finite element approximation for the isentropic compressible Euler equations, Seminar „Numerical Analysis“, Uni Basel, Herbert Egger
A mixed finite element approximation for the isentropic compressible Euler equations, GAMM Workshop „Numerical Analysis“, RWTH Aachen, Herbert Egger
Optimized planning of natural gas network capacities in Germany, 6th China International Pipeline Conference, Langfang, China, Thorsten Koch
Entropy-Preserving Coupling Conditions for One-dimensional Euler Systems at Junctions, 4th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2017), Pascal Mindt