Mathematisches Kolloquium RWTH Aachen

Newsvendor in Sobolev Space, and Beyond, Aachen, 23.11.2018, Rüdiger Schultz

4th Central European Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Meeting (CESVVAM 2018)

Lipschitz properties and their moduli for constraint mapping, Marburg, 24.11.2018, René Henrion


Dynamic chance constraints under continuous random distribution, Paris, 21.11.2018, René Henrion

INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting

Newsvendor in Sobolev Space: Stochastic Shape Optimization, Phoenix AZ, 04.-07.11.2018, Rüdiger Schultz (with Sergio Conti, Martin Rumpf, and Sascha Tolkes)

Third Russian-German Conference on MultiScale BioMathematics: Coherent Modeling of Human Body System

Optimization Problems under Probabilistic Constraints, Moscow, 08.11.2018, René Henrion

Mathematics of Gas Transport (MoG2)

Perturbation analysis and numerical discretisation of hyperbolic PDAEs describing flow networks, Berlin, 10.10.2018, Christoph Huck (with Caren Tischendorf)

A Multilevel Model of the European Entry-Exit Gas Market. Berlin, 10.10.2018., Martin Schmidt

Hybrid System Theory for Gas Network Optimization, Berlin, 10.10.2018, Falk Hante

International Conference on Operations Research

Risk averse bilevel programming under uncertainty: Stability and extensive formulations, Brüssel, 13.09.2018, Matthias Claus

Seminar at University of Elche

Probabilistic Programming with Applications, 13.09.2018, René Henrion