Bavarian Berlin Energy Research

Robust Optimal Hydrogen Tree-shaped Network Design, Munich, 21.02.2019, Johannes Thürauf

GAMM 2019

Numerical approximation for optimal control problems of hyperbolic conservation laws, Vienna, 20.02.2019, Paloma Schäfer Aguilar

Mathematical modeling and System theoretic Analysis

Energy based modeling, simulation and optimization of multi-physics systems, Eindhoven, 13.02.2019, Volker Mehrmann

Workshop on Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

Stationary gas networks with compressor control and random loads: Optimization with probabilistic constraints, Delhi, 07.02.2019, Michael Schuster

Chemnitzer Seminar zur Optimalsteuerung 2019

Numerical approximation for optimal control problems of hyperbolic conservation laws, Haus im Ennstal, 01.02.2019, Paloma Schäfer Aguilar


Workshop ‚Modern Maximal Monotone Operator Theory: From Nonsmooth Optimizationto Differential Inclusions‘

Robust control of a sweeping process with probabilistic end-point constraints, Vienna, 31.01.2019, René Henrion

23th Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization

Robust Two-Stage Optimization with a Non-Convex Second Stage (pitch), Aussois, 07.-11.01.2019, Frauke Liers

International Workshop Analysis, Control and Inverse Problems for PDEs

Hybrid System Theory for Gas Network Operation, Napoli, 26.-30.11.2018, Falk Hante