„Frauen und Wissenschaft“ des Zonta Club Darmstadt anlässlich 100 Jahre Zonta International

Strategic booking decisions in the gas market: a game theoretic model, Darmstadt, 07.04.2019, Alexandra Schwartz

Mathematical Optimization of Systems Impacted by Rare, High-Impact Random Events, ICERM

On some extended models of chance constraints, Providence (USA), 24.06.2019, René Henrion

Poster: Radius of Robust Feasibility For Mixed-Integer Problems, Providence (USA), 24.06. – 28.06.2019, Johannes Thürauf

EURO Conference on Operations Research 2019

Direct Methods for Mixed-Integer ODE-Constrained Optimization, Dublin, 25.06.2019, Falk Hante

Towards Sequential Action Control for Gas Network Control, Dublin, 23.-26.06.2019, Yan Brodskyi

Global Outer Approximation Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Quadratic Bilevel Problems, Dublin, 26.06.2019, Martin Schmidt

MAFELAP 2019, Minisymposium on Recent development and applications of discontinuous Galerkin methods

Model-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin schemes for compressible fluid flows, London, 18.-21.06.2019, Jan Giesselmann

Workshop Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics

Robust Optimization: (Some) Theory, (Some) Algorithms, and (Some) Applications, 02.06. – 08.06.2019, Frauke Liers

Oberwolfach Workshop on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: modeling, analysis, and numerics

Relative Entropy for isothermal Euler Equations on Networks, Oberwolfach, 19.-25.05.2019, Jan Giesselmann


An Adaptive Multilevel Stochastic Collocation Method for Elliptic PDEs with Uncertain Data, Alicante, Spain, 27.05.2019, Jens Lang

Mathematisches Kolloquium at TU Ilmenau

Penalty alternating direction methods: Theory, practice, and their relation to feasibility pumps, 15.05.2019, Martin Schmidt