On derivatives of probability functions, Vienna, 27.09.2019, René Henrion
Generalized Nash Games with PDEs and Applications in Energy Markets, Nice (France), 20.09.2019, Michael Hintermüller
Direct Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations, Nice, 17.09.2019, Falk Hante
A Posteriori Error Estimates of Numerical Methods for Random Conservation Laws, 09.-13.09.2019, Jan Giesselmann
Nonlinear Optimization of District Heating Networks, Dresden, 06.09.2019, Richard Krug
Risk-Averse Bilevel Stochastic Linear Programs, Dresden, 04.09.2019, Matthias Claus
Optimization problems with probust constraints: Theory, applications and algorithmic solution, Alcoi, 05.09.2019, René Henrion
Sessions on „Recent Trends in nonlocal and local hyperbolic balance laws“ and on „Control and stabilization of hyperbolic Systems„, 18.-30.08.2019, coordinated by Martin Gugat and Günter Leugering
The Turnpike Phenomenon for Problems of Optimal Boundary Read more
Building Stochastic Programming Theory and Algorithms – Powered by Algebra, Sankt Wendel, 29.-31.08.2019, Rüdiger Schultz
Optimal Neumann boundary control of the vibrating string under random initial conditions, Elche, 02.09.2019, René Henrion