Oberseminar Algorithmische Optimierung 23. Februar 201511. Oktober 2020 Transmission and Generation Investment in Electricity Markets: The Effects of Market Splitting and Network Fee Regimes, Leibniz Universität Hannover. Oberseminar Algorithmische Optimierung. Hannover, Martin Schmidt
ENERGIEFORSCHUNG „VERNETZT“ 26. Januar 201511. Oktober 2020 Techno-ökonomische Analysen des zukünftigen EnergiesystemsENERGIEFORSCHUNG „VERNETZT“, EnCN Nürnberg´, Dr. Wolfgang Breh (KIT), Prof. Dr. Wolf Fichtner (KIT), Dr. Patrick Jochem (KIT), Dr. Russell McKenna (KIT)
Forschungsseminar Optimierung 7. Januar 201511. Oktober 2020 On a shape optimization problem arising in optimal design for flow in a duct, Forschungsseminar Optimierung, Carlos Rautenberg (Gast @ HU Berlin)
19th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop at CNRS Centre Paul Langevin 5. Januar 201511. Oktober 2020 Structural investigation of piecewise linearized flow problems, 19th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop at CNRS Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois, France, 05.01.2015 – 09.01.2015, Maximilian Merkert
26th Annual ACM–SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 4. Januar 201511. Oktober 2020 A note on the Ring Loading Problem, 26th Annual ACM–SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, San Diego, USA, Martin Skutella
Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics 16. Dezember 201411. Oktober 2020 Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, Erlangen, Prof. Dr. Yves Smeers (CORE and UCL, Belgium)
Workshop on Gas Transport and Gas Market Modeling 15. Dezember 201411. Oktober 2020 Future Trends in Gas Market Modeling, Workshop on Gas Transport and Gas Market Modeling, EnCN Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Yves Smeers (CORE and UCL, Belgium)
Novel perspectives in Multiscale Modelling and Analysis: The novel concept of three-scale convergence 4. Dezember 201411. Oktober 2020 Novel perspectives in Multiscale Modelling and Analysis: The novel concept of three-scale convergence, Darmstadt, Dr. Dimitru Trucu (Dundee)
On the full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme 1. Dezember 201411. Oktober 2020 On the full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme, Darmstadt, Jun-Prof. Dr. Oliver Kolb (Mannheim)