7th European Congress of Mathematics, Caren Tischendorf 18. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Least-Squares Collocation for Higher-Index Differential-Algebraic Equations, 7th European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin, Germany, 18.07.2016 – 22.07.2016, Caren Tischendorf
Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference 17. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Mathematical modeling, simulation, and optimization for gas transport networks, Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference, Nürnberg, Germany, 17.07.2016 – 18.07.2016, Falk Hante
Little Missed Opportunities 14. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 The power-p Steiner tree problem: leveraging geometric properties to aid a math programming approach, and Gender: Little Missed Opportunities, Berlin, Darmstadt, Erlangen, July and September 2016, Dr. Christina Burt (Melbourne)
iSEneC 2016, Martin Schmidt 12. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Optimal Price Zones for the German Electricity Market, iSEneC 2016 – Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference. Nürnberg, Martin Schmidt
Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems 12. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Scientific Benchmarking of Parallel Computing Systems, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Torsten Höfler (Zürich)
iSEneC 2016, Julia Grübel 11. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Distribution network modeling in electricity market environment, iSEneC 2016 – Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference. Nürnberg, Julia Grübel
Oscillation in a posteriori error estimation 7. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Oscillation in a posteriori error estimation, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Andreas Veeser (Milano)
AANMPDE 2016 7. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Damped wave systems on networks: Exponential stability and uniform approximations, AANMPDE 2016, Strobl, Herbert Egger
IGDK1754 Munich-Graz Kolloquium 7. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Adaptive modelling, simulation and optimization of gas and water supply networks (invited), IGDK1754 Munich-Graz Kolloquium, Munich, Germany, Pia Domschke
Asymptotic preserving numerical schemes for singular limits of weakly compressible flows 6. Juli 201610. Oktober 2020 Asymptotic preserving numerical schemes for singular limits of weakly compressible flows, Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Mária Lukácová (Mainz)