18th French – German – Italian Conference on Optimization 25. September 201710. Oktober 2020 Gradient descent methods for optimization with mixed-integer and PDE constraints, 18th French – German – Italian Conference on Optimization, Paderborn, Germany, 25.09.2017 – 28.09.2017, Falk Hante
Chemnitz FEM Symposium 24. September 201710. Oktober 2020 A mixed finite element approximation for the isentropic compressible Euler equations, Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Strobl, Herbert Egger
ECSO 2017 20. September 201710. Oktober 2020 Probability of Feasible Loads in Passive Gas Networks, ECSO, Rom, Italien, 20.09.2017 – 22.09.2017, Sabrina Nitsche
ÖMG/DMV Tagung 2017 11. September 201710. Oktober 2020 A new era of industrial and applied mathematics: the digital twin, ÖMG/DMV Tagung 2017, Salzburg, Austria, 11.09.2017 – 15.09.2017, Volker Mehrmann
International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Oliver Kunst 7. September 201710. Oktober 2020 The Odyssey from Business to Research Data, International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Oliver Kunst
International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Alexander Martin 7. September 201710. Oktober 2020 Network Flow Problems with Physical Transport, International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Berlin, Alexander Martin
Doktoranden-Kolloquium 6. September 201712. Oktober 2020 Doktoranden-Kolloquium (Schloß Blankensee), 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017
International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Maximilian Merkert 6. September 201710. Oktober 2020 Polyhedral Results for Clique Problems with Multiple-Choice Constraints, International Symposium on Operations Research 2017, Berlin, 06.09.2017 – 08.09.2017, Maximilian Merkert
International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity 29. August 201710. Oktober 2020 Probabilistic constraints: convexity issues and beyond, Plenary Talk at XII International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity, Hajduszoboszlo, Hungary, Rene Henrion
FRICO 2017 14. August 201710. Oktober 2020 Global optimization of ODE constrained network problems, FRICO 2017, Trier, 14.08.2017 – 18.08.2017, Oliver Habeck