
Der SFB TRR 154 veranstaltet zahlreiche Aktivitäten rund um seine thematische Schwerpunkte. Nachfolgend gelistet sind bisherige und zukünftige Veranstaltungen.

Seminar by Jan Giesselmann

Jan Giesselmann gave a seminar on „Energy consistent methods for port-Hamiltonian systems“ at the Computational Mathematics Seminar at Technical University of Hamburg. The talk took place via zoom, the host was Daniel Ruprecht.

Minisymposium talks by Martin Gugat and Jan Giesselmann

Martin Gugat and Jan Giesselmann gave presentations at the „Mathematics and Decision Conference „,  which was held at  UM6P University,  Benguerir, Morocco, within the minisymposium on „Control and Applications“ which was organised by Abeladim Elakri, Lahcen Maniar and Enrique Zuazua. They presented research on „Data assimilation for gas flows via observers using distributed measurements“ (Jan Giesselmann) and „Synchronization of observer systems for the flow in gas networks“ (Martin Gugat).

MOG 2024 Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy

On October 10th and 11th, 2024, we organized the fourth edition of the international conference „Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy (MOG)“ in the historic city of Regensburg, Germany.

The two-day conference focused on connecting leading experts in applied mathematics with leading stakeholders from the industry and the public sector concerned with the energy system’s transition. We had fruitful discussions between academic partners and representatives from other sectors on today´s broad challenges in the energy sector, taking into account the transition from natural gas to hydrogen networks, its coupling with electricity, and related topics.

Invited speakers: 🔹 Miguel Anjos (University of Edinburgh) 🔹 Merve Bodur (University of Edinburgh) 🔹 Ronaldo M. Colombo (University of Brescia) 🔹 Jochen Deuerlein (3S Consult) 🔹 Timm Faulwasser (TU Hamburg) 🔹 Simone Göttlich (University of Mannheim) 🔹 Holger Heitsch (WIAS Berlin) 🔹 Erich Maurer (Energieagentur Nordbayern) 🔹 Jaap Pedersen (Zuse Institute Berlin) 🔹 Lena Salm (TenneT TSO) 🔹 Johannes Schiffer (BTU Cottbus) 🔹 Tom Streubel (PSI Software) 🔹 Martin Styblo (PSIG) 🔹 Tabea Tscherpel (TU Darmstadt) 🔹 Ann-Kathrin Wiertz (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Thanks to all speakers, attendees, and the organizing team from the CRC TRR 154, funded by the German Science Foundation, for making this event possible!

Poster Presentation at 2024 Conference on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

From October 8–10, 2024, Michael Schuster presented a poster on the topic „Nodal Control and the Turnpike Phenomenon“ during the 2024 Conference on Control, Inversion, and Numerics for PDEs, held at Fudan University in Shanghai, China

About the project:

The goal of this project is to prove turnpike results for optimal control problems in gas networks. We will consider nodal control since the control action takes place at compressors that are located at a small number of points in the networks. Probabilistic constraints are included since they allow to take into account the uncertainty of e.g. the customer demand. We will also scrutinize switching conditions that arise e.g in the decision to to open or close a gas valve. Since the turnpike phenomenon relates the dynamic optimal states to steady states, we will also study steady gas flows on networks with intertwined cycles (view the poster here).

Invited Talk at Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, South Korea

The talk about „Optimal Control for ODEs and PDEs: The Turnpike Phenomenon“ was invited by Prof. Seung-Yeal Ha and Prof. Dongnam Ko.

The turnpike phenomenon for dynamic optimal control problems provide insights about the relation between the dynamic optimal control and the solution of the corresponding static optimal control problem. In this talk we give an overview about different turnpike structures for optimal control problems with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs).
For optimal control problems with ODEs an exponential turnpike inequality can be shown by basic control theory. These results can be extended to an integral turnpike inequality for optimal control problems with linear hyperbolic systems. For an optimal control problem with non differential tracking term in the objective function, that is exactly controllable, we can show under certain assumptions that the optimal system state is steered exactly to the desired state after finite time. Further we consider an optimal control problem for a hyperbolic system with random boundary data and we show the existence of optimal controls. A turnpike property for hyperbolic systems with random boundary data can be shown numerically.

Christine Bernardi Lecture

The TRR 154 and the department of mathematics of TU Darmstadt organize jointly a series of annual lectures in honor of Christine Bernadi, an inspiring female applied mathematician.

23 October 2024, 5:15 pm: „Mathematics of Nonlinear Acoustics: Modeling – Analysis – Numerics – Inverse Problems“ by Barbara Kaltenbacher.

Link: https://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/fb/aktuelles/christine_bernardi_lectures/christine_bernardi_lectures.de.jsp

Doctoral Days 2024

The Doctoral Days, organized by our Young Researcher Council, took place in Nuremberg at the end of September 2024. Our doctoral researchers had a fantastic time engaging in insightful discussions, networking with peers, taking soft skill courses, and visiting leading companies like Siemens Energy and Uniper.


Thematic session on „Control of gas networks“
organized by Martin Gugat (FAU Erlangen, Germany)

Martin Gugat organized a thematic session on „Control of gas networks“ at the conference X Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics (Benasque Science Center, Aug 18 – Aug 30, 2024).


  • Jan Giesselmann: (Non)-synchronization of boundary observers for wave equations
  • Jan Sokolowski: Topological Derivatives for Control of Gas Networks
  • Michael Schuster: Location Problem for Compressor Stations in Pipeline Networks
  • Martín Hernández: Random Batch method and emergence of domain decomposition
  • Martin Gugat: Isothermal flow in gas networks: Synchronization of observer systems

Link: https://www.benasque.org/2024pde/cgi-bin/talks/allprint.pl